Episode 21 – Critical Incident Review – Jordan MacWilliams Charged with Murder for Shooting a Hostage Taker
My guest today is Jordan MacWilliams. Jordan is a 15 year member of the RCMP Lower Mainland Division
Integrated Emergency Response Team, the second largest tactical unit in Canada. On November 7, 2012
Jordan fired a single shot which killed a hostage taker who pointed a gun at the team after a five-hour standoff
at the Starlight Casino in New Westminster, British Columbia. Although it was a completely justifiable
shooting, this incident began an almost three-year nightmare for Jordan and his family which included Jordan
being charged with Murder by the newly created Independent Investigations Office, a civilian oversight board
created just before Jordan’s shooting. This was the first time a police officer had been charged for using lethal
force in British Columbia since 1975. Although the charges would later be dismissed, the damage to Jordan
and his family had already been done. Jordans story is both a cautionary tale and a story of struggle,
persistence, and eventual victory over a politically motivated witch hunt. This is a fantastic conversation that
should leave all of us repeating Jordan’s Mantra for the event: Be Better, Not Bitter!
Contact Info
Jordan MacWilliams
LinkedIn – linkedin.com/in/jordan-m-976692257
Email – jordan.macwilliams@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Books Suggested
Legacy: What The All Blacks Can Teach Us About The Business Of Life Paperback by James Kerr – ISBN-13: 978-1472103536
The Mission, The Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander by Pete Blaber – ISBN-13: 978-0425223727