Episode 5 – Ed Hinchey: Surviving and Recovering After Being Shot
Guest – My guest today is Ed Hinchey, a retired Sgt. with the Forest Hills Pennsylvania Police Department. Ed is the survivor of a violent shooting while on-duty who was saved by his soft body armor. After retirement Ed became the Director of the Safariland Saves Program. In his capacity as Saves Director, Ed’s job is working with officers who have been shot in the line of duty and saved by their armor. As a result, Ed has likely interacted with more officers shot in the line of duty than anyone in the world. In this interview, Ed discusses witnessing his partner being shot, the first failure of soft body armor by a round it was designed to stop, surviving his own shooting, the aftermath of a shooting, the effects on the officer and their family, as well as the NIJ armor standards past and present. Ed also discusses how to best prepare officers for shootings and how to help them after a shooting occurs.
Time Coding
1:30 – Ed’s Background
2:06 – 6/23/03 – The Edward Limbacher Shooting
4:55 – The NIJ Armor Standards and How They Have Changed
7:05 – Armor Failure – The Zylon Recall and The Old NIJ Standards
11:00 – Frustrations with the Armor Industry
13:23 – The Chronology of Ed’s Shooting
20:50 – His Injuries
26:30 – Arrival at the Hospital & Initial Treatment
33:00 – Surgery & Recovery
38:10 – Effects on the Family
45:30 – Community Reaction & News Media
51:14 – Retirement from Law Enforcement
57:04 – Starting His Second Career with Safariland
1:02:10 – Keys to Surviving a Shooting
1:07:15 – Going Beyond the Academy
1:20:45 – Why Armor Saves Lives
1:25:39 – Behind the Armor – Training Armor
1:30:17 – Mindset and Survival
1:33:14 – Social Media and Survivors
Links and Books Referenced
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – ISBN 048629823X
The Man in the Arena: Selected Writings by Theodore Roosevelt – ISBN13: 9780765306715
Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership: Executive Lessons from the Bully Pulpit by James Strock – ISBN 0761515399
NIJ Armor Standards – https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/body-armor-performance-standards
Safariland Saves – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIM58xG6QM4flerbP6IU9qgXf7VJ5ZgJ7
Contact Info
Ed HincheySave #941Safariland Saves Program Ed.hinchey@safariland.com