This is not a book in decision making, per se, but rather an explanation of how human creativity works. Because of the value of creativity, imagination and ingenuity in resolving complex and high-risk problems in law enforcement, the ideas and concepts presented are not only “mind-stretching” but useful for challenging the status quo and existing paradigms. Like Information Anxiety 2, it is not necessarily intended to be read through cover to cover, but rather absorbed and practiced in small doses with ample time to contemplate the implications. Of particular value are the simple and easy to understand metaphors and comparisons. The author, Edward de Bono, is world renowned for his books and lectures on creativity. He is both an MD and a Ph.D. and was the inventor of “mind mapping,” one of the most useful tools for exploring options since the invention of brainstorming.
Edward de Bono, Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, New York, 1973, (300 pages)
Recommended by Sid Heal in Episodes 1 & 2