This is a most useful book for the tools it provides rather than strictly information. While not especially difficult, it is not as easy to understand as most of the other. What sets this book apart is the thinking process application tools. These tools are especially useful for isolating factors and influences for after action reviews of complex and rapidly unfolding situations. It provides step by step guidelines on how to use these tools as well as explaining how they work. It is nearly a “field guide” in dissecting complex situations to identify causes, mistakes, subtle influences, and so forth. The author is a consultant rather than a professor and so the book is focused on the practical aspects.
Lisa J. Scheinkopf, Thinking for a Change: Putting the TOC Thinking Processes to Use, St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1999, (300 pages)
Recommended by Sid Heal in Episodes 1 & 2