Episode 1 – Sid Heal Part 1: The History of LASD – SEB
Episode Description – This is the first of a broad reaching two-part interview with Sid. In this first episode, we discuss Sid’s career history, the evolution of special tactics, the history of LASD SEB, the origins of SWAT, and his research on flashbangs and development of the NTOA Instructors Manual. We also discuss the origins of non-lethal weapons, police reform and defunding, and the origins of his study and writings on tactical science.
This episode of The Debrief is in honor of Sid Heal who passed away on May 24th, 2022, shortly before this episode aired. We remember Sid as a force in the special tactics community, as a war veteran, as a celebrated author, and as a commander of the LA Sheriff’s Department. A site has been created in honor of Sid that you can visit at www.sidheal.com
Guest – Charles “Sid” Heal. Sid was a legend in the special tactics’ community and a key figure in the history and evolution of special tactics in the United States. Sid was a retired CWO5 in the United States Marine Corps serving numerous combat deployments including the Vietnam War, The Gulf War, and Operation United Shield in Somalia. Sid was also a retired Commander from the LA County Sheriff’s Department, had worked in the Special Enforcement Bureau, the Emergency Operations Bureau, and a wide variety of other assignments. Sid was one of the most prolific authors on tactical topics having authored several books and hundreds of articles. Sid had taught at the US Army War College and is the former president of the California Association of Tactical Officers.
Time Coding
3:18 Sid’s career history (USMC, Sheriff’s Department, etc.)
13:03 Evolution of special tactics in the United States
17:30 Formation of the NTOA
19:48 Influence of technology/changing tactics on hostage rescue
22:03 Military tactics vs burgeoning special tactics
26:18 Origins of SWAT
32:08 Origin of Sid formally studying strategy and tactics
33:58 Beginning of flash bang research/original NTOA flash bang manual
45:18 Milestones after the flash bang manual (Somalia, Kenya, etc.)
1:07:38 Shifts in thinking on the U.S. Military using non-lethal weapons (Afghanistan, Balkans, etc.)
1:10:18 Shifts in military thinking on non-lethal force
1:15:28 Defunding the police vs reforming the police
1:18:18 Integrating theory and practice and the origins of tactical science
Books Referenced
Sound Doctrine by Charles “Sid” Heal – ISBN 9781930051119Field Command by Charles “Sid” Heal – ISBN 9781590563441Please find Sid’s recommended reading list at thedebrief.live/sids-list
Other Places to See and Hear Sid
CATO Podcast – www.catonews.org
For more information, check out our website at thedebrief.live